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3 Jan

My Wednesdays are…difficult…to say the least. They’re my busiest day of the week, the one day where I actually do run some errands and head over to The Written World for the weekly staff meeting and to put in a little work.

In short, Wednesday is the one day where I’m really not quite on sabbatical.

Today started much like any other – slowly and painfully. I got around ok for the first couple of things, but even with resting between errands, I was using the walker by lunchtime.

I really hate the walker.

Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid piece of medical equipment, I just hate tottering along behind it, taking ten minutes to cross a parking lot (that’s from a space right across from the front door of my destination. (*sticks tongue out at the crabby lady who CHASED me into the grocery store one day screaming that I had no business using a handicapped space because there was NOTHING wrong with me, and I was nothing but a scammer.*)


Be that as it may, it was overall a good day. For one thing I grabbed my Paleo Comfort Food cookbook and decided to try the next recipe in the book – meatballs made with ground lamb.

I have one daughter who refuses to forgive me for eating the sweet little lambs.

picture by Mentifisto from Wikimedia Commons

picture by Mentifisto from Wikimedia Commons

I have another daughter who cheerfully tried it and the very tangy sauce that went with it, and declared it good. Civil wars have started on less cause.

The lamb was interesting to work with. The meatballs had no crackers, instead used chopped mushrooms to hold in the moisture. It was fun dicing them small (oh help, I REALLY needed to rest after all this prep time) and I discovered the chopping shallots makes my eyes tear up more than onions do.

As for eating…I’m not sure I would go to lamb as my meat of choice but it was surprisingly good. Reminded me of the shawarma I get at the local Middle Eastern restaurant. Lemon in meatballs was an interesting flavor but it went well with the sauce (that really was a little too tangy for my tastes but I’m glad I tried.)

I’m not eating paleo constantly, but I am trying to make better choices in regards to my health. I DO need to avoid gluten and dairy and so many other things that seem to set off the fibro so by the time you look at what’s left on the menu, well, I would make a caveman proud.

Speaking of primitive civilizations the bookstore seems to be doing well without me. The natives have things under control and we’re moving forward to our first anniversary on January 14th. Know any authors in the Colorado Springs area who would like to get in on a multiple book signing on January 19th (the day we’re actually celebrating the anniversary).

So, that’s it for this week. Time to curl up with my crocheting with occasional forays into the Cherry Ames which is reading at the speed I can handle tonight.

Gosh, I’m glad Wednesday is almost over…